
Obtain Software and Licensing

Before installing a KMC Commander Gateway Service in Niagara, you must have:

  • An open-license Niagara 4 Workbench (KMC N4 Workbench or third party).

    Note: For KMC Workbench installation details, see the KMC Workbench Software Manual found on the KMC Converge product page. (You must be logged in to find the manual under the Documents tab.)

  • The following modules and files (Niagara part DR-kmcCommanderGateway / KMC Commander part CMDR-NIAGARA or CMDR-NIAGARA-3P) for the KMC Commander Gateway Service:

    • kmcControls.license

    • kmcControls.certificate

    • kmcCommanderGateway-rt.jar

    • kmcCommanderGateway-wb.jar

  • KMC Commander project licensing.

  • KMC Commander points licensing.

Consult with the IT Department

If the IT department has outbound rules, a rule should be added to allow outbound traffic on TCP/IP port 443.

Alternately, for additional security, outbound traffic on TCP/IP port 443 should be open (only) to the following FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names):

  • (

  • (needed for IFR only)

Note: If the firewall performs HTTPS Inspection, also make exclusions for the listed FQDNs.

Note: The listed FQDNs do not respond to ICMP pings.

Note: Services are dynamically distributed, and rules (if necessary) should use domain names rather than static IP addresses.

Also, obtain primary and secondary DNS addresses from the IT department, which will be used to set up DNS addresses in Niagara. Note whether they are DNSv4 or DNSv6.

Set Up DNS Addresses in Niagara

To achieve communication from the Niagara station to the KMC Commander Cloud, a DNS will be leveraged to resolve the end-point location of

After consulting with the IT department, set up DNS in Niagara by doing the following:

  1. Using Workbench, connect to the platform of the JACE.

  2. In the navigation tree, expand Platform.

  3. Select TCP/IP Configuration.

  4. Click the (+) next to either DNSv4 Servers or DNSv6 Servers, depending on the configuration of your system.

  5. Enter the primary DNS address into the text box.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the secondary DNS address(es). (A primary and at least one secondary address is recommended).

  7. Click Save, which makes a Reboot confirmation appear.

  8. Click Yes.