Logging Into the Project Cloud
After an Internet connection has been established for the gateway (see Configuring Network Interfaces), logging into projects through the project Cloud is almost always recommended and can be done remotely.
Enter app.kmccommander.com in a web browser.
Note: Chrome or Safari are recommended.
Enter your KMC Commander Project Cloud Login email and password.
Select Login.
Note: For optional Google Single Sign On, Google credentials can be used for login if the Gmail credentials are entered as a new User in the System Administration (see Accessing System Administration).
Select your project from the drop-down list (if more than one).
Note: Project options are shown as Project Name (license name for the KMC CommanderIoT gateway). Multiple gateways may be part of a single project, such as in “My Big Project (IoT Box #1)”, “My Big Project (IoT Box #2)”, and “My Big Project (IoT Box #3).”
Note: A Google map with red pins can show the location of projects if the addresses are entered in the (Cloud) KMC license administration. (To use this feature, supply KMC Controls with your desired project address information for the license server.) Select a red pin, then Click to Continue to open that project.
Note: During initial setup, the (Internet) network connection must have a DHCP server to get an address, and the PC being used must be set to have a dynamic IP address rather than a static address.
Note: It may take several minutes before all cards and present values are visible.
Note: The cards that are viewable depend on the user’s access profile.
Note: The Settings section (gear icon) in the Cloud has fewer options than when connecting to the local gateway. (See Configuring Settings.)
Note: In a Cloud dashboard, cards can show points from devices from multiple KMC Commander (IoT gateway hardware) boxes if multiple boxes exist in the project.