Editing a Device Profile
See also information on the related but separate process, Editing Device Details.
Select View
(in the row of the network that has the device with the profile that you want to edit).
Select Edit Profile (in the row of the device with the profile that you want to edit).
Take any of the following actions to edit the profile:
Edit the Name.
Change the Device Type.
Add points of interest:
Select Select Type (in the row of a point you want to add), which opens the Select Point Type window.
Find and choose the point type using the dropdown menu, search, or tree selector.
Note: Choosing the type applies the correct Haystack tags to the point and enables its use with cards, schedules, and alarms. It also automatically selects the checkbox in the Points of Interest column. To search for tags after configuration, see Using Data Explorer.
Note: The total number of Points Used out of the number licensed for the project is shown in the upper-right corner of Networks Explorer.
For all points that are to be trended, also select their checkboxes in the Trend (his) column.
Select Update Profile & Assign.
Note: A list of all the devices that use this profile appears in an Assign profile window.
Select the checkboxes next to the devices that you want to assign this edited profile to.
Select Assign to Devices.
Note: Regenerating Points will appear at the bottom and will revert to an Assign Profile button when the process completes. It is okay to leave the page during the process. In the network's device list, a spinning gear icon will appear under Actions until the device profile has regenerated.