Editing Users

Editing a User

  1. Go to Settings > Users/Roles/Groups > Users.

  2. In the row of the user that you want to edit, select Edit User .

  3. In the Edit User window, modify the user configuration as needed. (See Adding and Configuring Users for more information).

  4. Select Save.

Bulk Editing Users

You can bulk edit multiple user instances for multiple projects by uploading a .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) file. The feature helps you manage all users for all projects under the control of your System Integrator account.

To avoid confusion and throwing errors (see Error Messages) we recommend that you:

  • Download a fresh, current template immediately prior to bulk editing users. (See Download and open the template.)

  • Do not allow other users on your team to upload your template file—have them download their own template file.

Access the Bulk User window

  1. Go to Settings > Users/Roles/Groups > Users.

  2. Select Bulk User Edit, which opens the Bulk User window.

Note: Though you access the Bulk User window from within a single project, the feature helps manage all users for all projects under the control of your System Integrator account.

Download and open the template

  1. Select Download Template with Current Users.

    Note: This causes the template file—bulk-user-edit-template.xlsx—to generate. The template contains the configurations of all users for all projects under the control of your System Integrator account (at that moment).

  2. Locate and open the template file.

    Note: The template file—bulk-user-edit-template.xlsx—downloads to the place your browser designates for file downloads.

  3. Enable editing of the template file.

Continue by Adding User Instances, Deleting User Instances, and/or Changing Users' Roles.

Adding User Instances

  1. In a new row of the spreadsheet, fill out the columns:

    Column Label Explanation Required?
    firstName Enter the first name of the user that you want to add.


    lastName Enter the last name of the user that you want to add.


    email Enter the email address of the user.


    role Enter the role that you want the user to have. (See Configuring Roles for more information.)



    Enter the identification code of a project that you want to add the user to. (You can copy the projectId from another user row where it is already associated with the projectName that you know.)

    If you want to add the user to multiple projects, fill out multiple rows—one for each project.

    Note: The projectId is the unique identifier to ensure that the system finds the exact project.



    You can copy the projectName from another user row for consistency. However, if you upload the .xlsx file with the projectName blank, the system will automatically fill in the projectName associated with the projectId. (If you then Download and open the template again, you will see the projectName filled in.)

    Note: If you enter the projectName but leave the projectId blank, the user cannot be added. (The projectId is the unique identifier to ensure that the system finds the exact project.)



    Enter FALSE, or leave blank.


    sendNotificationEmail The user will receive an invitation or notification email if you enter TRUE.


  2. Repeat step 1 for as many user instances as you want to add in one bulk user edit.

When you are done modifying the spreadsheet, Save and upload the file.

Deleting User Instances

  1. In the row of each user instance that you want to delete, enter TRUE in the delete column.

    Note: If you want to completely remove a user from KMC Commander, enter TRUE in the delete column for every instance of that user associated with any project.

  2. If you want a user to receive an email notifying them that they were removed from a project, enter TRUE for sendNotificationEmail.

When you are done modifying the spreadsheet, Save and upload the file.

Changing Users' Roles

  1. For each user instance that you want to change, enter an alternative, valid role in the role column. (See Configuring Roles for more information.)

  2. If you want a user to receive an email notifying them that their role was updated for that project, enter TRUE for sendNotificationEmail.

When you are done modifying the spreadsheet, Save and upload the file.

Save and upload the file

  1. Save the .xlsx file.

    Note: You can save the file with a new name; the system will still accept it.

  2. In the Bulk User window of KMC Commander, select Choose file.

  3. Locate and select the saved file.

  4. Choose whether or not the system should Stop process on errors.

    Note: If Stop process on errors is checked, the system will not process any rows after an error occurs.

  5. Select Upload.

    Note: This causes an output file—output.xlsx—to generate. It downloads to the place your browser designates for file downloads.

  6. Check the output file for Success Messages and Error Messages.

Success Messages

successMessage Explanation
User invited successfully You invited an entirely new user to KMC Commander with this project.
User added successfully You invited an existing user (of at least one project) to another project.
User removed successfully

You removed a user from a project. (To completely remove a user from KMC Commander, repeat for all of their projects.)

User is already removed from the project You tried to remove a user instance that was already removed. (Relax.)
User role updated successfully You updated a user's role for a project.
Duplicated row, no action taken You accidentally made two identical rows in the file. The action was taken the first time. (Relax.)

Error Messages

errorMessage Explanation / Remedy
Missing required fields Fill out (at minimum) firstName, lastName, email, role, and projectId.
Project not found Enter a valid projectId. Copy and paste the needed projectId from an existing row.
User does not have access to project The "user" in this case is you. You do not have access to the project associated with the projectId that you entered. Or you have access, but are assigned a role without Admin permissions. Obtain access (with Admin permissions) from an Admin of that project.
User does not exist You tried to delete a user who does not exist in the system (relax). If you intended to add the user, enter FALSE for delete.
Role does not exist Enter a role that is configured for the project. (See Configuring Roles.)