Configuring a Point Value Alarm

Watch the video below for an overview. Consult the following written information for details.

Access Point Value alarm configuration

  1. Go to Alarms , then Configurations.

  2. Select Add Configuration, which opens the Add Alarm Configuration window.

  3. From the Category drop-down menu, select Point Value.

Select the Target Network, Target Device, and Target Point

  1. Choose the Target Network from the drop-down list.

    Note: While choosing, you can type the first letter of the network's name to jump closer to its location in the list.

  2. Choose the Target Device from the drop-down list.

    Note: While choosing, you can type the first letter of the device's name to jump closer to its location in the list.

  3. Choose the Target Point from the drop-down list:

Note: While choosing, you can type the first letter of the point's name to jump closer to its location in the list.

For a binary or multistate target point

After Configuring a Point Value Alarm, select an alarm Type from the dropdown menu:

With an Exact Value type alarm

  1. Choose the Target Value (for example, OFF).

  2. Enter the Threshold (seconds).

    Note: Threshold is the number of seconds for which the value must be the target value (for example, OFF) before KMC Commander triggers the alarm.

    Note: Threshold is also affected by the polling rate set in Settings > Protocols. See Point Update Wait Interval (Minutes).

  3. Continue to Finish Configuring the Alarm.

With a Dynamic type alarm

  1. Choose the Dynamic Reference Device (the same or another device) from the dropdown list.

  2. Choose the Dynamic Reference Point (that will be compared to the Target Point) from the dropdown list.

  3. From the Dynamic Type dropdown menu, choose either Equal To or Not Equal To.

  4. From the Choose a Match Method (State Text or Numeric Value)

    Note: The State Text match method compares the state text tags (for example: inactive/active, OFF/ON) that were given to the numeric values of the target and dynamic reference points that you chose. The Numeric Value match method compares the numeric values of the points.

    Note: KMC Commander shows the Target Point State Texts and Dynamic Point State Texts for the points that you chose. If the state texts of the two points are exactly the same, you could choose either State Text or Numeric Value. However, if the state texts are not exactly the same, selecting Numeric Value can prevent the alarm from triggering improperly.

  5. Enter the Threshold (seconds).

    Note: Threshold is the number of seconds for which the values must be equal or not equal before KMC Commander triggers the alarm.

    Note: Threshold is also affected by the polling rate set in Settings > Protocols. See Point Update Wait Interval (Minutes).

  6. Continue to Finish Configuring the Alarm.

For an analog target point

After Configuring a Point Value Alarm, select an alarm Type from the dropdown menu:

  • If you selected Range, continue to With a Range type alarm.

    Note: A range alarm compares the value of the target point to a defined range of acceptable values.

  • If you selected Dynamic, continue to With a Dynamic type alarm.

    Note: A dynamic alarm compares the values of two related points in one or two devices.

With a Range type alarm

  1. Enter the Target Value.

  2. Choose a Range Type from the dropdown menu.

  3. Enter the Range Value (for example, 5° lower than the target value).

  4. Enter the Threshold (seconds).

    Note: Threshold is the number of seconds for which, for example, the value must be 5° lower than the target value before KMC Commander triggers the alarm.

    Note: Threshold is also affected by the polling rate set in Settings > Protocols. See Point Update Wait Interval (Minutes).

  5. Continue to Finish Configuring the Alarm.

With a Dynamic type alarm

  1. Choose the Dynamic Reference Device (the same or another device) from the dropdown list.

  2. Choose the Dynamic Reference Point (that will be compared to the Target Point) from the dropdown list.

  3. Choose the Range Type from the dropdown menu.

  4. Enter the Range Value (for example, the dynamic reference point is 5° higher than the target point).

  5. Enter the Threshold (seconds).

    Note: Threshold is the number of seconds for which, for example, the dynamic reference point must be 5° higher than the target point before KMC Commander triggers the alarm.

    Note: Threshold is also affected by the polling rate set in Settings > Protocols. See Point Update Wait Interval (Minutes).

  6. Continue to Finish Configuring the Alarm.

Finish Configuring the Alarm

  1. After Configuring a Point Value Alarm, choose the alarm's level of Priority (Info, Warning, or Critical).

  2. If needed, choose a Notification Group from the dropdown list.

    Note: Choosing a notification group is optional (such as for Info level alarms), but is recommended for Critical and Warning level alarms.

    Note: To send alarm messages, first create a notification group (with email addresses and/or cell phone numbers) in Settings > Users, Roles, & Groups > Groups. (See Configuring (Alarm Notification) Groups.)

  3. Enter an Alarm Name.

  4. Choose whether to make Acknowledgment of the alarm Required or Not required:

    • Required — The Acknowledge all button for this alarm (when triggered in Alarm Manager > List) will be orange. Hovering over the button makes an "Ack. Required" tip appear.

    • Not Required — The Acknowledge all button for this alarm (when triggered in Alarm Manager > List) will be black. Hovering over the button makes an "Ack. Optional" tip appear.

  5. Optionally, enter a Message, which will appear in Alarm Manager and optional emails and/or text notifications.

  6. If you want to duplicate this alarm to similar devices or points, select a Duplication Strategy.

    Note: See Duplicating Alarms for more information.

  7. Select Add.