Configuring Protocol Settings

For an overview, watch the video below (until the 2:06 mark). For details, consult the following written information.

Accessing Protocol Settings

Go to Settings , then Protocols.


Device Instance

The device instance of the local KMC Commander gateway can be changed here.

Note: A manual restart is required for a change to take effect.

To change the device instance:

  1. Enter a new device instance.

  2. Select Save.

Max Invoke ID

The KMC Commander gateway uses the Max Invoke ID to send multiple requests without waiting for responses, until the Invoke ID limit (the entered value) is reached.

Note: A value of 1 means the KMC Commander gateway will always wait (or timeout) for a response before setting the next request in its queue.

Caution: The KMC Commander gateway will use multiple UDP ports for its Source Port in sending messages if greater than 1. It will always use the configured UDP port to talk to devices, but will use different UDP ports to receive the responses. These ports start with 47808 and go up consecutively. Do not set Invoke ID to anything greater than 1 if your firewall blocks these ports.

To change the Max Invoke ID (from the default of 1):

  1. Enter a new value (1 to 5 maximum requests).

  2. Select Save.

Read Priority Array Wait Interval (Minutes)

The Read Priority Wait Interval is the time between updates (polling) of priority array values.

Note: This interval affects how quickly an indication that a point is in override might display on cards. (See Display Point Override in Settings > Project.) It also affects how up-to-date Manual Override reports will be. (See Configuring a Manual Override Report.)

To change the Read Priority Array Wait Interval (from the default of 60 minutes):

  1. Enter a new value (0 to 180 minutes).

    Note: Setting to 0 will disable the priority array reading daemon (background polling process) and values will not update.

  2. Select Save.


Point Update Wait Interval (Minutes)

The Point Update Wait Interval is the time between updates (polling) of points on trends, alarms, and any reads through an API.

To change the Point Update Wait Interval (from the default of 5 minutes):

  1. Enter a new value (1 to 60 minutes).

  2. Select Save.

Manual Write Timeout

Manual Write Timeout sets the default choice of duration for any manual overrides made of setpoints or other objects on dashboards.

Note: The default duration is Permanent, meaning manual overrides will continue indefinitely until the next schedule change or manual override occurs.

To set the Manual Write Timeout :

  1. Select the manual override duration (15 minutes to 1 week) from the dropdown list.

  2. Select Save.

Default Manual Write Priority

Default Manual Write Priority sets the default BACnet priority choice used to write manual changes from the dashboard.

To change the Default Manual Write Priority (from the default of 8):

  1. Enter a new BACnet priority value.

  2. Select Save.

Schedule Write Priority

Schedule Write Priority is the BACnet priority used to write normal (i.e., not holiday) schedule events.

Note: If KMC Commander schedules will be used to control devices, this value must be higher than the default schedule write priority values in the controlled devices. (See Managing Schedules and Events.)

To change the Schedule Write Priority (from the default of 16):

  1. Enter a new BACnet priority value.

  2. Select Save.

Holiday Schedule Write Priority

Holiday Schedule Write Priority is the BACnet priority used to write holiday schedule events.

Note: If KMC Commander schedules will be used to control devices, this value must be higher than the default schedule write priority values in the controlled devices. (See Managing Schedules and Events.)

To change the Holiday Schedule Write Priority (from the default of 15):

  1. Enter a new BACnet priority value.

  2. Select Save.

Override Schedule Write Priority

Override Schedule Write Priority is the BACnet priority used to write override schedule events.

To change the Override Schedule Write Priority (from the default of 8):

  1. Enter a new BACnet priority value.

  2. Select Save.


Note: KMC Commander supports KMDigital through use of a KMD-5551E translator.

Manual Write Priority (KMD Devices)

This is the priority used to write manual changes from the dashboard to KMDigital devices through the translator.

Note: KMDigital controllers have only manual or auto write “priorities.” The translator enables a virtual priority array on the KMDigital device points by mapping them inside the translator. Auto (priority 0) is the default behavior for KMDigital, and setting any other priority will write to the KMDigital device in manual mode. See the “Translation concepts” section in the KMD-5551E translator’s application guide for more information.

To change the Manual Write Priority (from the default 0 [Auto]):

  1. Enter a new priority value.

  2. Select Save.

Schedule Write Priority (KMD Devices)

This is the priority used to write schedule events to KMDigital devices through the translator.

Note: KMDigital controllers have only manual or auto write “priorities.” The translator enables a virtual priority array on the KMDigital device points by mapping them inside the translator. Auto (priority 0) is the default behavior for KMDigital, and setting any other priority will write to the KMDigital device in manual mode. See the “Translation concepts” section in the KMD-5551E translator’s application guide for more information.

To change the Schedule Write Priority (from the default 0 [Auto]):

  1. Enter a new priority value.

  2. Select Save.


Shorten JACE Format Point Names

  1. For Niagara Networks, choose whether or not to automatically shorten JACE format point names:

    • If turned Off, each point name read from a JACE can be extremely long and include a variety of additional device information.

    • If turned On, (the default) the name shortens to just the names of the points themselves (i.e. the third-to-last and last segments of the object name).

  2. Select Save.


To upload a MIB file for SNMP devices:

  1. Select Upload.

  2. In the Upload SNMP window, select Choose file.

  3. Locate the MIB file.

  4. Select Upload.