Logging In at the Job Site

Configuring On Site Verses from the Cloud

Dashboards, schedules, trends, and alarms can be configured later from the Cloud as desired, but the following are the minimum functions to perform on-site (or performed as local via VPN):

  • Configure most Settings . (See Configuring Settings.) See "Configuring Settings" in the KMC Commander Software Application Guide. (See Accessing Other Documents.)

    Note: Cloud settings do not include Network Interfaces (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Cellular), Date & Time, Whitelist/Blacklist, IP Tables, Proxy, and SSH settings), but those settings can be configured through VPN.

  • Recommended: Discover all known network devices and points (in Network Explorer) and set up profiles. (See Configuring Networks, Discovering Devices and Assigning Device Profiles.) See "Configuring Networks", "Discovering Devices", and "Assigning Device Profiles" in the KMC Commander Software Application Guide. (See Accessing Other Documents).

    Note: The Cloud can discover devices and points. However, discovery of devices and points on site will be helpful if network troubleshooting is required.

Logging In

Before Internet

Before an Internet connection is established for the gateway (see Configuring Network Interfaces), log in using Wi-Fi:

  1. In a (Google Chrome or Safari) browser window, log into KMC Commander using Wi-Fi (see Connecting Wi-Fi and Making Initial Login).

  1. Enter your (case-sensitive) user Email and Password, as previously set up by a system administrator. (See Accessing System Administration.)

    Note: If you forget your password, select Forgot password, enter your email address, and you will receive an email with a link for resetting your password.

  2. Choose the relevant License (if more than one is available to you).

    Note: If the correct license is not available, see License and Project Problems. see "License and Project Problems" in "Troubleshooting" in the KMC Commander Software Application Guide. (See Accessing Other Documents).

  3. Select Submit.

    Note: Networks Explorer will appear.

Configure the settings as needed. (See Configuring Settings.)


Continue on-site setup by:

Refer to the KMC Commander Software Application Guide. (See Accessing Other Documents.)

After Internet

After an Internet connection is established for the gateway (see Configuring Network Interfaces), log into the project Cloud at app.kmccommander.com. (See Logging Into the Project Cloud.)