Configuring an All Points By Device Report

For viewing once

  1. Go to Reports , then select Add New Report.

  2. From the Choose a Report dropdown menu, select All Points By Device.

  3. Select Search Devices, which makes an Add devices to New Report window appear.

  4. Check the boxes next to any devices that you want to include in the report.

    Note: These devices will later become the rows of the report.

    Note: Type in Search Devices to narrow the list.

    Note: If you want to include all devices, you can either use Select All in this window, or select All Devices in the report configuration window.

  5. Select Add.

    Note: The names of the devices appear under Selected Devices.

  6. Select the field under Select Points, which causes a list of every unique point name from the Selected Devices to appear.

  7. Check the boxes next to any point names that you want to include in the report.

    Note: Each unique point name becomes a column of the report. Avoid many similar columns by naming point types consistently across devices. (See Assigning Device Profiles and Editing a Device Profile.)

    Note: To check the boxes next to all the point names, use Select All.

  8. Select an area outside of the list to close the list and see the report.

Note: Search Points is an alternative to first using Search Devices then using the Select Points list. Selecting Search Points causes a Device List and Point Selector to appear (like when adding points on a card). These allow you to select particular points from particular devices, and adds device and point names at once to the report. (For details on using the Device List and Point Selector, see the related information in Changing or Adding Points on a Card.)

To save to run again later

Note: When you save a report, you save that report setting to be run again when you later reopen the report. To save a snapshot of a report's results, select Download CSV.

  1. Complete the actions described in For viewing once.

  2. In the text field at the top of the report's window, clear New Report and enter a descriptive name.

  3. Select Save.

    Note: The saved report's name, with details expanded below it, appears in the list on the left pane.

  4. Close the saved report's window.

    Note: If you want to create and save multiple reports from this same open window, be sure to select Save New for each subsequent report. If you select Save, the new configuration will overwrite the old one in the Reports list on the left pane.

To display the report on a dashboard, continue to Adding a Report Module and/or Creating a Report Card.